Internet Business Shopping – What Are the Key Things to Look For When Joining an Internet Business?

Internet Business Shopping – What Are the Key Things to Look For When Joining an Internet Business?

When you decide to look for a business to join online or to create a business model, it’s important to look for some important key things that a business has to offer. There are so many business opportunities out there on the internet that sound so fantastic. But how do you separate the garbage from the good, legitimate online businesses?

Here are 10 important key things to look for when deciding to join an Internet business:

1. Stability – how long has this company been in business? If just launched can you really guarantee the money you are investing will grow fruit? Look for at least 2 years of growth.

2. Support system – this is crucial. Working alone with no support system can be very hard. Make sure you have other members to network and brainstorm marketing ideas and strategies with who are successful top earners in the company and will share the knowledge.

3. Training – Make sure the company has the latest step by step training and that it is detailed (video training is great). This should be new techniques and not the old “get your friends and family to join”. Social media training is hot right now.

4. Training calls – weekly and daily training calls are a must to keep you ahead of the competition, keep you informed, and hear from your mentors and peers. Learning from leaders in the company and how to exactly duplicate their success is key in this business.

5. Good compensation plan – Do you have to sell tons of product to make any kind of real income? Most MLM products cost $150 or less. The commission you get is pitiful. Look for a company that pays you first for sales and also has residual income. You want a company where your hard work is rewarded and you don’t need to rely on the MLM people below you to make money.

6. Attainable income streams – Is it really possible to make the kind of income you want? Do you need to get 5 people, they get 5 people and they get 5 people etc, etc, just to make a living? This is a hard way and is sooo unpredictable. A combination of professional sales and residual income with multiple streams of income is the way to go.

7. Web site – Does the company give you a website or several websites you can use and/or customize yourself? Is there custom landing pages for you to use as well as forms of advertising for your use? This can save you thousands!

8. Automated system – Is there a system in place for you to use, such as auto responders, video testimonials, leads tracking, advise on marketing plans, income tracking, marketing modules, a library of videos and training archives etc. These are very important to keep you business on track and all in one place.

9. Mentoring/Camaraderie – Is there get together seminars, marketing events and brainstorming with top producers and beginners at different times during the year? Seeing that it is a legitimate business and meeting real people in your business makes you a believer and that is half the success of any entrepreneur.

10. Duplicity – Is this a business where it is plausible to copy what is being done by the top producers in the company and replicate it yourself? Are there top internet producers in the company that can show you how? Some companies do not have top internet producers.

There are a lot of Internet businesses out there and some can make you very wealthy. According to Forbes magazine, 79 million people in North America plan to start their own business in the next 3-5 years. However 97% of all home based entrepreneurs spend more